Unlock the Art of Branding and Web Creation: Your Free Guide Awaits!

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Branding Stylesheet and Website Checklist

Dive into Expert Insights with Our Complimentary Ebook – A Business Professional's Toolkit for Successful Creative Engagements and Website Strategy!

With this Amazing Lead Magnet you will learn:

  • Equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions throughout the branding process.

  • Save time by understanding how to communicate effectively with designers and developers.

  • some of the more important Preliminary Brainstorming recommended prior to starting your website

  • Important questions to think about BEFORE you start the site for better clarity on your messaging

  • 16 Pages to guide you on how to creatively strategize many of your initial web present vitals

What People Are Saying

About My Amazing Lead Magnet

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- Amazing Customer

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non lectus bibendum, sodales diam luctus, dapibus enim. Mauris vehicula scelerisque magna nec eleifend. Praesent ut leo magna.”

- Amazing Customer

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non lectus bibendum, sodales diam luctus, dapibus enim. Mauris vehicula scelerisque magna nec eleifend. Praesent ut leo magna.”

- Amazing Customer

About the John /3rdJC

3rd JC Enterprises LLC is a Full-Service Multimedia Design agency and parents several creative design, educational, and training agencies headquartered in Jacksonville Florida.

Chaired by our president and founder John Carter III,

John Carter III has served as a mentor, trainer, previous educator, a strong advocate of education, training, and youth development, and a creative design professional with a serious love for technology training and integrating its use in the workplace and educational arena. John is an Art Education graduate (AA), of Delta College, a Graphic Design (BA) and Communication & Multimedia (MA) graduate of Saginaw Valley State University and an Educational Design & Technology graduate of Full Sail University.

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